
The basics

Name Daniel Devin Ozbat
Age 23 Years Old
Species Human
Sex Male...?
Orientation Yes, homo

Physical Info
Height 6'1
Weight 125lbs
Skin Fair
Hair Purple, naturally black
Eyes Purple
Tattoos None
Piercings 3 on each ear
Scars Too many to count, mainly from being an idiot as a kid
Wardrobe Vintage 1980s clothing, various pop culture T-shirts

Disorders Insomniac, inferiority complex, social anxiety, general anxiety, slight OCD & depression
Personality Loyal, friendly, retro, flighty, intelligent - though he doesn't believe it, sensitive, insecure, flighty.
Phobias/Fears Abandonment, death, the abyss dark of the ocean, heights & dying alone
Likes The 1980s, New Wave, Cyndi Lauper, his car, traveling, photography, hanging with Victoria & fixing vintage tech. (Computers, cameras, camcorders, ect.)
Dislikes Social gatherings, anything supernatural/paranormal, spiders.

Vehicle '79 FIAT
Backpack Items Notebook, Flashlight, Water Bottle, Matches, Granola Bars, CD Player, Polaroid 600 & 1 Mechanical Pencil.
Miscellaneous 1 Sleeping Bag, A Small Tent, Kodak Instamatic 404, Several Rolls Of 35mm Film, Basic Developing Equipment, A Trashbag Full of Clothes. All kept in his car's trunk.

Love Status
Position 100% Submissive
Status Single like a Pringle
Since I was born, bby


Always the odd one out, having flunked out in just about every class, and at the suggestion of his school's jackass counselor, who always had some snarky insult about his intelligence, Daniel dropped out of high school in 10th grade. Believing that he would be able to make it regardless of some diploma. However, due to the economy, he found this rather hard. It started with his parents booting him out, after which he spent a few years working fast food, a year as a dishwasher and one as a gas station clerk before he was repositioned to a southern location in the middle of the desert.
A desolate location with few, if any, customers on any given day. The only upside to relocation to the station was that it had its own living quarters in the back, and a $.75 raise. But even with this, Danny found it hard to enjoy his job. To say it was mind numbingly dull would be an overstatement. Day in, and day out, trapped in the hellish landscape. Waiting for a robbery that he was sure would take place.

At least until he had a run in with a certain childhood friend....

Roleplaying Style

Mun is 26.

Third person, book format.
SFW & NSFW, both accepted.
Literate & descriptive.
Versatile character, he can fit into most verses with minor tweaks.

Roleplaying since 2007